Epoch IceDancer – Invigorating Leg Gel
This clear, lightweight formula features Natural Wild Mint, traditionally used in the Northwest United States to soothe tired feeling legs. Also featuring naturally refreshing ingredients like Menthol, Eucalyptus, and Horse Chestnut, Epoch Ice Dancer Invigorating Leg Gel instantly cools and rejuvenates sore, exhausted feeling legs. Smooth on some Ice Dancer to put some pep back in your step.
Epoch IceDancer

This clear, lightweight formula features Natural Wild Mint, traditionally used in the Northwest United States to soothe tired feeling legs. Also featuring naturally refreshing ingredients like Menthol, Eucalyptus, and Horse Chestnut, Epoch Ice Dancer Invigorating Leg Gel instantly cools and rejuvenates sore, exhausted feeling legs. Smooth on some Icedancer to put some pep back in your step.